A Checklist for Parenting Teens

Raising a teen can be difficult, especially in today’s society. Between health issues, social situations and everything in between, it can be hard to keep track of what should be on your radar. Here’s a checklist of things you need to consider when it comes to your teen.

Studying Habits

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Your teen may be so excited about their newfound freedom and friends upon entering high school that they start to fall behind on their schoolwork or neglect studying altogether. You can help ensure they stay on track by creating a homework schedule so that studying becomes a regular part of their daily routine; establishing “no screen” times can also prevent your teen from getting distracted by their phone or computer.

Peer Pressure

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As your teen gets older, they may experience pressure from their friends to do things that make your teen uncomfortable. You can reduce the likelihood of your teen giving into peer pressure by boosting their self-esteem and teaching them to be assertive when saying no to things they don’t want to do.


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Bullying is a serious problem for some teens. It can lead a teen to feel depressed, hopeless and scared to go to school. If your teen keeps trying to avoid school and engages in self-destructive behavior, they may have a bully. Talk to your teen about your concerns and let them know that there are ways to stop bullying.


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Anxiety disorders can often develop in the teen years. Be on the lookout for signs of constant worry, compulsive behaviors and self doubt in your teen; check in with them every once in a while to ask them how they’re feeling. Lending an ear can make them feel better.


Photo by Dustin Scarpitti

Exhaustion, lack of appetite and a loss of interest in activities and friendships are signs of depression, which can develop during adolescence. If your teen’s mood appears negative all the time, consider making an appointment for them with a doctor or counselor.

Substance Abuse

Photo by Redd Angelo

Some teens may engage in substance abuse; it may be due to a mental health issue or other reasons. To help your teen avoid using illicit drugs, talk to them about the dangers of substance abuse and explain how prolonged use of alcohol and drugs can hurt them in the long-term. You can turn to medical assistance if you’re concerned about your teen.

Eating Disorders

Photo by Gili Benita

While teen girls are at a high risk of developing an eating disorder, teen boys can also experience this health issue. There are certain signs to watch for, such as skipping meals, constant claims that they aren’t hungry and severe weight loss. It’s important to show compassion to your teen because an eating disorder is usually caused by low self-esteem. Consider seeking professional help if you believe your teen suffers from an eating disorder.

Healthy Eating

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Healthy eating is crucial for your teen’s well-being; it helps manage energy levels and improves mood, among other benefits. You can encourage healthy eating habits by keeping lots of nutritious snacks such as fruits, nuts and veggies on hand for when your teen is hungry.


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Exercise is an important part of a healthy lifestyle, but did you know that teens who exercise benefit from an improved academic performance and better sleep patterns? Help your teen find a physical activity that they like (such as yoga or a team sport) to make exercise more fun.

Feature Image: Pexels