Repairing the Parent-Teen Relationship Before It’s Too Late

Parenting teens can be difficult. The closer to adulthood children get, the more likely they are to try to push away from their parents and become their own person. However, some teens push particularly hard, creating more conflict in teen family dynamics —especially if they suffer from mental health disorders or substance abuse.

The difficulty in understanding teenagers during these crucial years can cause a parent-teen relationship to be damaged, sometimes irreparably. How can parents repair their relationship with their teen before it’s too late?

Listen to Your Teen

One of the biggest challenges of parenting is that just when parents feel they have mastered one phase of their child’s development, their child grows and changes which requires a whole new set of parenting skills. For example, if a young child says, “Mommy, I’m scared,” a hug and some reassuring words will likely resolve the situation. However, when your child becomes older, you need to listen to your teen more carefully and not take things personally.

A teen might scream “I hate you!” when they are actually just anxious, afraid, or confused. However, a parent may only hear the words— and  not understand how to elicit the deeper meaning. By not understanding the meaning they will not be able to address the issue in a helpful way, causing damage to teenagers’ relationship with their parents. As words and behaviors become more volatile, it can be overwhelming for parents and teens to try to mend the bonds between them.

This is why honing your listening skills is so important. Parents often take offense at the harmful words and focus on the level of disrespect from their teen, instead of trying to understand emotions underlying the speech or behavior; like pain, anger, fear, and frustration. Parents can help their teens by setting aside personal reactions and preconceived ideals of respect and obedience. Instead, truly listen to what your teen is trying to communicate with their words and behaviors.

Be Willing to Change

Humility may seem like weakness in a relationship, especially if it’s turning into more of a power struggle than a loving parent-teen relationship. However, humility is one of the most powerful tools that a parent can activate, particularly when parenting teens. Simply saying, “I’m sorry, I made a mistake,” may prevent a rift between parent and teen. It may take more strength to be humble than it takes to be a demanding, “my way or the highway” kind of parent. However, when a parent’s precious relationship with their child is on the line, it’s a small price to pay to maintain an open conversation and understand emotions.

Maintaining and mending the relationship between teens and parents requires parents to stay flexible and to be willing to shift their parenting styles and beliefs. One key is to remember that teens’ impulsive behavior and angry words aren’t truly meant to hurt you. A teen may be trying to make a connection or ask for help in the only way they know how. Therefore, discipline won’t help unless it comes with understanding teenagers by listening and showing unconditional love.

Have Realistic Expectations

While a parent’s dream is to have a loving, harmonious relationship with their teen, that is not realistic for most families. A relationship is built on mutual respect and effort, and it is also a living organism that can change throughout life. Having realistic expectations about your relationship during the adolescent years will support both the parent and teen in making it better.

Patience is also required. Parents whose teens are withdrawn and distant will not become their kids’ best friends overnight, or possibly ever. It is only through daily work, effort, and being willing to make the necessary compromises, that relationships can be healed. Making and keeping realistic expectations for those relationships can ultimately help mend the divide.

Love Them No Matter What

When there is a rift in the parent-teen relationship, resentment typically builds on both sides. The accumulation of this resentment can lead to long-term, potentially permanent damage to this cherished relationship. The effort a parent is willing to make to maintain the boundaries of parenting but also love their teen unconditionally can make or break this family tie.

Demonstrating through both words and actions that you love them no matter what, is one of the most important factors in building, rebuilding, and maintaining the relationship between teens and parents That doesn’t mean giving them everything they want or enabling their mental health or substance use disorder. It means making the time and effort to listen to and truly hear what they are really saying, being willing to adapt the relationship as the child (and the adult) grow and change and maintaining realistic expectations of what the relationship could and should be.

70% of teens are struggling with mental health issues. We can help. You are not alone. Newport Academy Mental Health Treatment Program. Click to Learn More.
70% of teens are struggling with mental health issues. We can help. You are not alone. Newport Academy Mental Health Treatment Program. Click to Learn More.

Adopt a Family-Centered Therapeutic Approach

As parents try to understand how to fix a broken teenage relationship, it may be impossible to navigate without some sort of intervention therapy. At Newport Academy, we recognize that sustainable healing for teens and young adults involves treating the entire family. Our Attachment-Based Family Therapy program focuses on rebuilding trust within the parent-teen relationship—providing a solid foundation that promotes authentic connection and enhances teen mental health. Our comprehensive approach aims to help teenagers and parents build a closer, more meaningful relationship with one another.

Contact us for a complimentary consultation w/our admissions specialist who can help you find the level of care that you need to strengthen your relationship with your teen.