4 Signs Your Teen is Being Bullied

Teen bullying is an unfortunate reality that many young people encounter every day. As a parent, knowing the signs that your teen is being bullied could make a significant difference to their mental and physical health. Here are some of the signs you should look out for.

1. Physical Signs

If your teen has unexplained injuries or hides bruises or cuts, this could be a sign that they are being bullied in a physical way. Other physical signs could include them constantly saying that they feel ill, perhaps as a way to get out of attending an event or going to school. They might also have a significant change in their eating habits including overeating as a coping mechanism or under eating and skipping meals due to a loss in appetite.

2. Emotional Signs

While physical bullying is sometimes the most obvious, it’s not the only way that your teen can be bullied. Name calling, gossiping, rumour-spreading, threatening—both in person or online— are all emotional ways that your teen might be picked on. Symptoms of emotional abuse include ongoing feelings of sadness, fear, anger, anxiety and hopelessness.

3. Academic Signs


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Your child might be struggling academically as a result of being bullied. Their grades might start slipping and they might not want to go to school or even skip it without telling you. This could be a sign that they are being bullied at school and it’s a good idea to check in with your teen or their teacher to get a better idea of what’s going on.

4. Social Signs

If you have noticed that your teen consistently isolates themselves or avoids social situations, this may be an indication that they are being bullied. They might also stop seeing friends or attending events or activities that they used to enjoy with very little explanation.

Bullying can have a significant negative impact on your teen’s self-esteem, relationships and ability to learn. If your teen exhibits any of the previous symptoms, consider approaching them to offer your support and guidance.

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