12 Positive Affirmations for Teens

Sometimes we need a little extra help or encouragement to stay positive. It’s easy to get bogged down by day to day struggles and frustrations. When that happens, a simple affirmation can go a long way towards helping us to persevere and stay positive. In fact, even simply choosing to start and end our day with one positive affirmation can make a big difference when it comes to our outlook. Here are some that you can encourage your teen to use to remember that they’re valuable and important individuals.

When You’re Facing a Struggle

Image Credit: Unsplash

Teens face many struggles and problems, whether within themselves, at school or in extra curriculars. When your teen has a hurdle to overcome, help them hold on to these affirmations:

  • “I am confident that I can solve life’s problems successfully.”
  • “Challenges are opportunities to learn and grow.”
  • “In the end, everything works out.”
  • “There are people who care about me and are willing to help me if I ask. I am not alone.”

Use these affirmations to help your teen know that struggles are simply a part of life and that they’re strong and capable of overcoming them. Encourage them to look back on these experiences and see what they learned, where they grew and how the persevered.

When Relationships are Tough

Image Credit: JuditK

Relationships are hard. They take work, compromise and understanding. Teenagers are in a phase of life where they are just beginning to learn these important lessons and as a result, relationships with friends, family members, coaches, teachers and significant others can be difficult. When relationships feel particularly challenging, encourage your teen to focus on these positive affirmations.

  • “The only people who might judge me are the people who are the most afraid of being judged.”
  • “I accept and love the way I am and look without comparing myself to others.”
  • “I can say no, and no will mean no. Boundaries are healthy and important for my own safety and happiness.”
  • “I stand up for myself because I matter. Nobody can make me feel inferior without my consent.”

Help your teen to remember that while caring for others is important, their own health, wellbeing and happiness are all important too.

When You’re Looking for Hope and Purpose

Image Credit: Paulo Otávio

As a teenager it can be easy to get bogged down by expectations, hopes and worries. It can also be a scary adventure learning and discovering more about themselves. Here are some affirmations they can keep in mind when they are feeling unsure or unsteady.

  • “I am becoming better with each day.”
  • “If I can conceive it and truly believe it then I can achieve it.”
  • “I am open to all possibilities.”
  • “I love myself unconditionally – in good times and in bad.”

This list is by no means complete; you and your teen can come up with positive, healthy affirmations that speak to them on a personal level. Use these statements to help your teen remember that they are loved, beautiful and valuable just the way they are.

Feature Image: martinak15