Recovering from Addiction: Tips for Parents

Helping your teen recover from addiction can be a hard process. It is important to know the essential tips to help them (and yourself) through this tough time.

Make a Commitment and Be Patient

Recovery can be a roller coaster ride for a teen and a parent, and while you may want to jump in and fix everything, you can’t. Recovery takes a long time and requires patience and commitment—this goes for both you and your teen.

Roller Coaster - Teen Rehab

Let Them Know You’re In It With Them

Part of supporting your teen through their recovery is to let them know that you are in it with them for the long haul. Recovery can take years and will always be a part of your teen’s life (and yours). Work together and be there for each other.

Teambuilding Net Climbing - Teen Rehab

Speak Up

If you are concerned about your teen—whether towards the crowd they’re hanging out with or other concerning behaviors—don’t be afraid to confront the issue. If your teen is slipping during their recovery, don’t make excuses for them or yourself. Step in and speak up.

Teenage Couple Sitting - Teen Rehab

Take Care of Yourself

Recovery is hard on a parent. You want to devote all of your time to taking care of your teen. However, don’t forget to take care of yourself as well. There are counseling programs for parents and families of addicts that serve as good resources. Continuing to do activities you enjoy and not completely compromising your lifestyle is also important.

Sunset Bike Ride - Teen Rehab