How to Choose the Right Treatment Center

Choosing the right treatment center is important to ensure your teen receives the best care for their needs. Though the matter may seem urgent, it’s important to be patient and take your time during the selection process—you want to ensure you set your child up for success with a treatment center that’s a good fit. Include your teen in the decision making process, after all they are the ones who know what kind of help they need and what kind of programs will best suit their needs and personality.

Be patient

Take the time to find the treatment centre that will best fit the needs of your teen. It can be easy to make a quick decision because you want to see your teen get better, but it is important to ensure they receive the proper treatment to prevent relapse and encourage success. Do some research. Ask your teen to look around too. Once you’ve found a few you both like, compare and talk about why each one would be a good option. Weigh the pros and cons.

Talk to the staff

Talk to the staff and counsellors at various treatment centers to learn more about their program and what options there are for your teen. Making an appointment can lead to building relationships and a tour of the facility, which can give yourself and your child a better sense of what the fit will be like. Talking to your doctor or an addictions specialist is also an option to receive a different opinion from a medical specialist—one that might know both your teen and the treatment center they’re recommending.

Inpatient or Outpatient


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Besides picking a center in general, there are inpatient and outpatient options to consider, which both provide different styles of treatment. Inpatient centers offer client housing, whereas outpatient centers allow the client to live at home, or only spend days at the treatment centre. The types of programs and scheduling will also be different at inpatient and outpatient programs. You and your teen will have to discuss their needs and other responsibilities to determine the best program for their recovery.

Individual Needs

When looking for a treatment center, there are other factors to consider too, according to Everyday Health. Besides finding a place that suits the individual needs of your teen, you’ll also want to ensure the center of your choice fits your budget and personal philosophy, You may need to make an appointment with treatment center staff or a doctor to determine the treatment needs for your teen, as well as costs.

Choosing the right center can be a process, but once you find a good fit for your teen, you’ll be happy you spent the time. Setting your child up for success in a center that’s right for them can make the difference needed to have a successful treatment process.

Featured image Surkov Dimitri/Shutterstock