How To Help Your Kids Cope with a Sick Parent

Breaking the news to your child that you or your spouse is sick is hard and heartbreaking. Your family will be in for a rough ride, but helping your kids cope with the illness will make this difficult time easier on everyone.

Sad Boy - Teen Rehab Photo by vale ♡

Acknowledge Feelings

Your child is going to experience a variety of emotions relating to your illness, so recognize them for what they are. Children often blame themselves for things that happen to their parents and it’s important to let them know that the illness is not their fault.

Mom Hugging Son - Teen Rehab Photo by David K Poe

Don’t Neglect

When someone in the family is sick, they become the main priority. However, you can’t forget to keep an eye on your kids. Give them the attention and love they need while also being supportive and caring to your sick spouse. If things around the house get tricky to manage, ask the kids to take on some more responsibilities—coming together in a time of stress and need is never bad.

Mom Hugging Daughters - Teen Rehab Photo by Monkey Mash Button

Keep Regular Activities

A family illness can change a lot of the household dynamic, but it’s important to keep some things constant, such as the kids’ activities. They still need something to take their mind off the illness, have an outlet and a chance to live joyfully. Try and keep as much of the regular schedule and dynamic the same to reduce their stress.

Keep Regular Activities A family illness can change a lot of the household dynamic, but it’s important to keep some things constant, such as the kids’ activities. They still need something to take their mind off the illness, have an outlet and a chance to live joyfully. Try and keep as much of the regular schedule and dynamic the same to reduce their stress. 0 Photo by gabrielsaldana

Feature Image: by sun dazed